sábado, 6 de outubro de 2007


There really are no limits to where the imagination of modern scientists can boldly go... Let's take a look at the 2007 IG Nobel Prize winners...

(The information comes from BBC News. Check complete news here, and also on CNN.To check IG Nobel official site, click here.)

As a linguist, I cannot refrain from calling your attention to the extreme relevance of the research conducted by the Barcelona team...

2007 Ig Nobel Winners

Medicine - Brian Witcombe, of Gloucestershire Royal NHS Foundation Trust, UK, and Dan Meyer for their probing work on the health consequences of swallowing a sword.

Physics - A US-Chile team who ironed out the problem of how sheets become wrinkled.

Biology - Dr Johanna van Bronswijk of the Netherlands for carrying out a creepy crawly census of all of the mites, insects, spiders, ferns and fungi that share our beds.

Chemistry - Mayu Yamamoto, from Japan, for developing a method to extract vanilla fragrance and flavouring from cow dung.

Linguistics - A University of Barcelona team (Juan Manuel Toro, Josep B. Trobalon & Nuria Sebastian-Galles) for showing that rats are unable to tell the difference between a person speaking Japanese backwards and somebody speaking Dutch backwards.

Literature - Glenda Browne of Blue Mountains, Australia, for her study of the word "the", and how it can flummox those trying to put things into alphabetical order.

Peace - The US Air Force Wright Laboratory for instigating research and development on a chemical weapon that would provoke widespread homosexual behaviour among enemy troops.

Nutrition - Brian Wansink of Cornell University for investigating the limits of human appetite by feeding volunteers a self-refilling, "bottomless" bowl of soup.

Economics - Kuo Cheng Hsieh of Taiwan for patenting a device that can catch bank robbers by dropping a net over them.

Aviation - A National University of Quilmes, Argentina, team for discovering that impotency drugs can help hamsters to recover from jet lag.

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3 comentários:

Unknown disse...

Eu A-D-O-R-E-I!!!

Morri de rir! Para mim são notáveis os de Medicina, Linguística, Paz e Aviação!!!

LHM!! (Lord Have Mercy!)

Berná disse...

Acho que esses são os meus favoritos também, Coca!!!

Berná disse...

Brincadeiras à parte, sabe que eu até imagino a motivação por trás da pesquisa em Lingüística??? O que os pesquisadores estão tentando com isso verificar é se os animais (assim como os bebês recém-nascidos) são sensíveis à diferença de organização rítmica entre as diferentes famílias de línguas (o japonês é de ritmo moraico, o holandês é de ritmo acentual). O problema é que, com as línguas faladas ao contrário, o ritmo fica ferrado! Aí, nem os bebezinhos percebem a diferença, rsrsrs...