domingo, 14 de outubro de 2007

Great Greta...

She had to be mentioned here, sooner or later, right?

And let's make one thing clear. She never said "I want to be alone", though the quote has often been attributed to her. In her own words:
"I never said, 'I want to be alone,' I only said, 'I want to be left alone.' There is all the difference."

She was damn right, it really makes all the difference...

That's all!

PS. It was from an interesting site on matters related to Divadom, that the quote by Greta Garbo was taken ( There you can find a list of great Divas of all times (Some sections cannot be missed, like "The Diva Principle" and "Diva is as Diva does").


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4 comentários:

Flower Nakamura, ME disse...

I don't know about you, but I think that "I want to be LEFT alone" is much better than "I want to be alone"...

Berná disse...

Yes, indeed!!!!! Equivale a "Deixem-me em paz", ou seja, em permos mais, digamos, populares,"Não me encham o s***!!!", rsrsrs...

Unknown disse...

No meu caso eu quero tudo o que tem a ver com ALONE: be alone, be left alone... Gente tosca demais à minha volta, credo!

Berná disse...

I think I get your point, Coke, rsrsrs...