quarta-feira, 13 de junho de 2007

Não é Divo, mas é Hiro! YATTA!

Hiro Nakamura

Profession: Programmer

Powers: Space-time manipulation - The ability to alter the space-time continuum, including chronokinesis (slowing down, speeding up, or stopping time), time travel (moving through time), and teleportation (moving instantaneously through space)

Character Biography: Hiro works at Yamagato Industries as a programmer though he is bored with the monotony of his job and has the ability to manipulate space and time. He is also a huge science-fiction nerd, sometimes referring to Star Trek among other known sci-fi shows. In episode 1.1, Hiro discovers his ability while at his desk when he makes the second-hand on his clock go back one second. Later on, after being frustrated with Ando for not believing in his powers, Hiro focuses on a vacation ad to New York City while on the subway and is then instantly teleported to Times Square, where he yells “Yatta!” (I did it!)

Actor Biography: Masayori “Masi” Oka was born in Tokyo, Japan on Dec 27, 1974 but his family moved to Los Angeles when he was 6 years old. He has an I.Q of over 180, and is gifted with many artistic talents.

Along with standard elementary school, he attended Saturday school in L.A. where he learned English, U.S. history, and other subjects. He graduated in 1997 from Brown University with a major in Computer Science and Mathematics and a minor in Theatre Arts.

Masi worked for George Lucas’s Industrial Light & Magic for several years. During this time he worked on such popular films as Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, War of the Worlds and Star Wars (episodes I - III). He has indicated that he worked in programming the tools that the artists use in CGI special effects and currently consults one to two days a week in addition to his role on Heroes.

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