quinta-feira, 14 de junho de 2007

Morgan le Fay: a legendary Mean Diva

Morgan le Fay is, in Malory's Morte d'Arthur, Arthur's half sister, the daughter of Arthur's mother Igraine and her first husband, the Duke of Cornwall. She is also presented as an adversary of Arthur's: she gives Excalibur to her lover Accolon so he can use it against Arthur (a story retold in Madison J. Cawein's poem “Accolon of Gaul”) and, when that plot fails, she steals the scabbard of Excalibur which protects Arthur and throws it into a lake. In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight she is presented as the instigator of the Green Knight's visit to Arthur's court, partly motivated by her desire to frighten Guinevere. Her enmity towards Guinevere has its origin in the Vulgate Lancelot, where Morgan is having an affair with Guiomar, Guinevere's cousin, and Guinevere puts an end to it. Despite the motif of Morgan's enmity towards Arthur and Guinevere, she is also presented as one of the women who takes Arthur in a barge to Avalon to be healed. This view of Morgan as healer has its roots in the earliest accounts of her and perhaps to her origin in Celtic mythology. In the Vita Merlini (c. 1150) Morgan is said to be the first of nine sisters who rule The Fortunate Isle or the Isle of Apples and is presented as a healer as well as a shape-changer. It is to this island that Arthur is brought (though Morgan awaits him and heals him rather than actually fetching him herself). Morgan proclaims that she can heal Arthur if he stays with her for a long time. Morgan is also said to be the wife of King Uriens and the mother of Yvain or Ywain. Morgan rarely appears in post-medieval works – until the twentieth century when there is a renewed interest in her character.


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4 comentários:

Flower Nakamura, ME disse...
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Flower Nakamura, ME disse...

Mean, mean, mean Diva!
O curioso é que, depois de "The mists of Avalon" (As brumas de Avalon), Morgana passou a ser vista de modo muito mais positivo do que na matéria arturiana. Lá, ela é do mal (e ninguém tem dúvida disso)!!! ;)
Como dizia uma propaganda de refrigerante: Imagem é tudo!!!

Berná disse...

Pois é, Flower! Agora temos essa importante missão de resgatar/explicitar o caráter absolutamente mean de algumas Divas que foram "edulcoradas" de várias maneiras... E que, por isso, devem se revirar em seus túmulos, reais ou imaginários... Com muita razão, aliás!

Unknown disse...

Na próxima encarnação eu quero vir Morgan Le Fay, bem má!!! Ehehehhehe... Me aguardem nessa versão!