domingo, 12 de agosto de 2007

Miss Potter

MISS POTTER tells the story of how writer and illustrator Beatrix Potter managed to achieve independence and artistic success at the turn of the 20th Century. The film follows her first attempts to be published and her relationship with Norman Warne (son of her publisher Frederick Warne).

Set during the time when Beatrix wrote and published her most famous tale about the beloved character Peter Rabbit, this is the story of one remarkable woman’s journey to love and fulfilment.

Para assistir ao trailer, clicar aqui. A sinopse acima veio do mesmo site.

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4 comentários:

Flower Nakamura, ME disse...

O filme é uma gracinha.
Pretendo rever várias vezes.

Berná disse...

Eu também!!! :-)

Unknown disse...

Você tem ? Significa que posso ver ai... ;)

Flower Nakamura, ME disse...

Ainda não tenho, mas pretendo ter. Por enquanto, a "fonte" é a Blockbuster. ;)