quarta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2007

Under the sea....under the seeeeeeeeeeeeea!

Isn't this a very cool idea fora a different Christmas?????

I like Christmas time but, come to think about it, why is it that we always end up doing exactly the same things to celebrate it???? Creativity is in order!!!

Well, I saw this picture today and I just loved the idea of playing with dolphins under the water in a Santa Claus costume... And I thought I would share it with our readers.


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2 comentários:

filomena disse...

Que bela idéia, ainda mais considerando que, como todo ano, eu vou ver e ouvir sobre a Quica, minha tradicional figura de natal (cf. posts de natal dos últimos anos). Um papai noel submarino seria um sonho! ):

Berná disse...

Vou me informar sobre a Quica, Filomena, com certeza!