Salabhasana is the locust pose in yoga (check link for animation). Not easy at all for beginners like me, who had to try perform this in the experimental class. OML! LHM!!!
The pose receives its name from the insect whose shape it resembles. It helps strengthen, stretch and reduce the stiffness in the lower back. It also brings flexibility to the upper back region. And that's why I want to learn how to do it! My back needs urgent healing... I am sure I will make it, someday!!!!!!!! (With the help of Shiva, maybe...). I promise to report on my improvements, rsrsrs...
(The nice cartoon is from the site Nataliedee. Check here for this, and more...)
sábado, 1 de setembro de 2007
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Marcadores: Humor de Diva, Palavra de Diva
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3 comentários:
Confesso que fiquei tentada a colocar o notebook na minha frente, me deitar num tapete no chão e começar as tentativas...
Não sei de onde tiraram essa posição de gafanhoto. Nunca vi um gafanhoto de perninhas e bracinhos para cima!!!
UIA, amei o site com as animações!!!
Acho que to me animandooooo!!!!!!
Daqui a pouco teremos 2 Divas Zens! UIA! ;)
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