sábado, 14 de julho de 2007

Nicolao Franco

A galeria de MD's Pets não poderia deixar de incluir Ninix, o gato mais fofo do universo.
Abaixo, cito Kinky Friedman, my personal hero, Texas jewish cowboy, owner of "one cat, four dogs, one armadillo and one Smith Corona typewriter", animal rescuer (check out his beautiful work at the Utopia Animal Rescue Ranch here):

"Cats are a fairly right-wing group politically. They are lovers of the status quo. They don't like anything that might represent change. They hate marriages, divorces, moving days, graduations, bar mitzvahs, bill collectors, rug shampooners, painters, plumbers, electricians, television repairmen, out-call masseuses, Jehovah's Witnesses, and just about everything else, most of which I agree with them about."

Friedman, Kinky (1993), When the cat's away. New York (Wings Books), 481

"When you have a cat, you assume certain responsibilities that, in a spiritual sense, may transcend those of a marital or a business relationship."

Friedman, Kinky (1993), Greenwich Killing Time. New York (Wings Books), 88

Falem a verdade, é fofo ou não é???????????????????????

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3 comentários:

Berná disse...

Fofíssimo, oficórçily!!!
Purrrrrrrrrrrrr... :-)

Flower Nakamura, ME disse...

Além de fofo, um doce de gatinho!
Welcome back to the Mean Divas, Ninix!!! ;)

Unknown disse...

Ahhh, muito fofo! Mas eu ainda estou na minha quest for the perfect "CAT"... ;)