terça-feira, 17 de junho de 2008


I just came across the website of a very unusual and interesting art project, and thought our Mean Readers might want to know more about it: In the Realsnailmail site (browse here) you can find the following information:

RealSnailMail is a research project developed by Vicky Isley and Paul Smith (aka boredomresearch) at the National Centre for Computer Animation, Bournemouth University. The worlds first messaging service at http://www.realsnailmail.net harnesses the potential of diminutive molluscs to deliver email messages. Your message travels at the speed of light to our collection point where it waits….. and waits for a RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) equipped snail to pass by. Once collected your message is lugged around on the back of a snail until such time as it happens by the dispatch centre and is finally forwarded to its recipient.

boredomresearch will use this Blog to publish this project’s research and development - including information on RFID technology, snails and inspirations and experimentations that have contributed to the making of this artwork.

The good news is that we will soon be able to participate in the project and send an e-mail to be delivered by one of the snails in the tank: Cecil, Austin, and Muriel. So far, Austin has shown the best performance: 10 e-mails delivered in 1.96 days...

If you are among those (me included :-) ) who can hardly wait to participate, information will be available here

Ain't this lots of fun???

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4 comentários:

Unknown disse...

Mandei um snailmail lá ontem! Tinha a esperança que a Muriel que estava vazia, pegasse. Mas me parece que ele/ela é uma lesma lerda! Não pegou nenhum email até agora!!!

Berná disse...

Vou tentar mandar também, pra ver o que acontece...(Também fiquei com peninha da Muriel...)

Berná disse...

Acabei de mandar o e-mail, Coca! Vamos ver se vai, vamos ver se a Muriel tem sorte, rsrsrs...
Adorei a definição do projeto: "The World's First Webmail Service Using Live Snails". Achei que a brincadeira é legal porque força a gente a...slow down(we move too fast, rsrsrs)!!!.

DIVA Sen disse...

Tb mandei um e estou torcendo to be picked up by Austin, for obvious reasons. FUN!!!