quinta-feira, 13 de março de 2008

How crazy can you get!

One does not stop marvelling at weird behavior, right? When you think you have seen everything imaginable, you come across news like this one, published at the CNN site, here.

Can you believe, it? A woman was stuck on her boyfriend's toilet for TWO YEARS, simply because she didn't want to come out of the bathroom!!!! But the weirdest thing was that it took her boyfriend all this time to call for help!!! Who is the freakiest of the two, after all?

Well, if you decide to spend all your life sitting at the toilet, maybe you should look for the perfect bathroom, right? If the woman's plans were not (finally!) interrupted by her boyfriend, she might have wanted to participate in the Pimped Out Powder Room Sweepstakes promoted by Roto-Rooter... She might win a toilet suited for a Diva (oh, my god!).

As advertised by the promoters:

Indulgence for your inner diva

Groove to your favorite songs, brew a latte, watch TV, put your face on.
Oh, and use the loo.

Sure, it's excessive.

But you know you want it.

Any of our MR's interested in learning more about this amazing bathroom? Just click here and... enjoy! (you can even click on the items to learn more, rsrsrs...).

And, if anyone is interested in participating in the Sweepstakes, dead-line is April first... (and this is NOT a joke!. Check the above indicated site for details).

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2 comentários:

Flower Nakamura, ME disse...

Valhamedeusnossasenhora!!! A mulher ficou tanto tempo no "trono", que a pele cresceu ao redor da tampa!!!
Como diria a queridíssima tia Anastácia: "Esse mundo tá perdido, sinhá!"
Quanto ao banheiro das "divas", duas observações:
1. It's PINK!!!! (PTL)
2. Se a namorada do cara estivesse num desses, não sairia de lá de jeito nenhum...

Unknown disse...

Uma pergunta.. apareceu a cara do dito namorado? Ela pode ter ficado lá dentro do banheiro de medo da feiúra dele! Ou de tão chato que ele era...


As pessoas são doidas!