terça-feira, 12 de junho de 2007

Divo...sem dúvida! (com uma desilusão amorosa na bagagem...)

"Spock's mother, Amanda Grayson, was a human schoolteacher from Earth and his father, Sarek, was a respected diplomat. For most of his life, Spock was torn between his emotional human side and the stern discipline of his Vulcan half until his experience with the V'Ger machine-entity in 2271 and his later death and rebirth in 2286 broadened his perspective. As of 2267 he had earned the Vulcanian Scientific Legion of Honor, had been twice decorated by Starfleet Command and held an A7 computer expert classification.

As a child, Spock had a pet sehlat, which is a cuddly Vulcan bear-like animal with claws and fangs.

At age seven, Spock was telepathically bonded with a young Vulcan girl named T'Pring The telepathic touch would draw the two together when the time was right after both came of age: once every 7 years all Vulcan males experiences pon farr, a powerful Vulcan mating drive which demands that they mate or die. In 2267, however, T'Pring chose Stonn, a Vulcan, over Spock, and the Vulcan returned to the U.S.S. Enterprise unwed."


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4 comentários:

Unknown disse...

Live long and Peace!

Berná disse...

Live long and... PROSPER, coca! O popular:

DUP DOR A'AZ MUBSTER (in Vulcan, of course...)

Flower Nakamura, ME disse...

Nooooooossa! Essa Diva J. tá abusando da sabedoria vulcana. Depois, nós é que temos que agüentar a pose... hehehe...

Unknown disse...

Puts... e eu, na minha mais pura ingenuidade, acreditando que Coca e eu fossemos os mais tarados pela série... "Vida Longa e Próspera", em vulcano, foi muito boa! :)