quarta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2008

Searching for Higgs Boson, the God particle

(CERN simulation of a black hole)


Some people were afraid, and tried to legally abort the project. According to CNN (here):

Skeptics, who claim that the experiment could lead to the creation of a black hole capable of swallowing the planet, failed in a legal bid to halt the project at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research.

I am in awe!!! This is all soooooo amazing, and we should be proud of physicists who developed the LHC project (see CERN site here)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. We are boldly going where no man has ever gone before, indeed...

For live webcast of press releases regarding the particle-breaking event, go to Groovy Gecko (sorry, Flower...) here.

MD's can also read about the event here and here (in Portuguese).

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2 comentários:

Unknown disse...

Essa experiência me fascina... =)
Devia ter sido física!

Berná disse...

Eu também, eu também! O que mais me fascina nessa história toda é que o LHC é um... testador de hipóteses!!! O aspecto puramente dedutivo da física é fascinante, indeed! Já pensaram que barato, se algum dia desses uma colisãozinha de partículas permite de fato que se comprove a existência do Bóson de Higgs, elemento postulado pela teoria, apenas????
Cool, veeery cool....