sábado, 8 de dezembro de 2007

Conteúdo da caixa de entrada de emails.. sábado pela manhã!

Depois de apagar o lixo default (normalmente 1 ou 2 mensagens) já que eu não recebo muito SPAM graças aos meus cuidados cibernéticos, me detive a analisar a oferta abaixo... 

1 - Get a Full-Length Karmic Love Reading!


How are your past life romances affecting love for you in this lifetime? Get much more in-depth astrological information with your full-length personalized Karmic Love Reading!

Nossssaaaa, pensei eu...

Como pude viver até a esta altura da vida sem saber como os meus romances nas vidas passadas afetam essa minha vida presente ???? Como pude ser tão relapsa ????

Agora tudo se explica!!! Por isso não encontrei príncipe encantado nenhum, só sapo aborrecido! Tudo culpa minha, "tão" vendo só ???

Não resisti, fui checar... e olhem só o que veio:

Chapter 1: Nodes of the Moon (Your Karmic Doorways)
North Node of the Moon in Virgo

You are a highly emotional person, Diva, and tend to be rather easily swayed by the emotional state of your partner (ahhh, nani, nani... acho que sou mais um rational type!). For you, life and love are both subjective, almost abstract experiences; you may feel as though there is no hard line between right and wrong because you have such ready compassion. For example, where others might draw a hard line at infidelity in a relationship, you might be less likely to end a relationship over such an infraction because you are more likely to be able to understand the impulses behind such action. ("cornomancice" eu, hua hua hua...)

This kind of compassion and emotional communication is a gift for your lover, but for you can be quite confusing to say the least. (tá certo, sou confusa mesmo, nada de simplificar, hay que ter cérebro bom prá me entender messs...) If your lover is depressed, you are depressed. (hua hua hua, again!) If your lover is irritable, you feel guilty and apologetic.

You are likely, in fact, to be drawn to romantic partners who are moody, whose emotional lives are something of a roller coaster. (Essa ai acho que foi na mosca!) You are easily drawn in to others' tales of sorrow and hardship and your instinct is to nurture them back to a place of contentment and stability -- even at your own expense. You may have established a pattern of relationships in which you were the nurturer and your lover was the taker, who neglected your emotional needs in their pursuit of satisfying their own.

Oh, oh... isso tudo por quê? Porque choveu, e eu não pude ir a praia aqui no sabadão em Mangos, tão vendo ??? Culpa de São Pedro!

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