quarta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2008

Get them a beagle, daddy!!!

This nice piece of news is from CNN (see complete text here):

Barack Obama's two daughters had another reason to high-five their dad's election to the presidency Tuesday night: they're getting a puppy.

"Sasha and Malia", Obama said in his victory speech at Chicago's Grant Park, "I love you both so much, and you have earned the new puppy that's coming with us to the white House."

The new White House pet will follow in the paw-steps of a menagerie of animals that have had the run of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue over the years.

As a beagle owner Mean Diva, I'm making a humble suggestion, here: get them a beagle, Daddy!!! You'll make your girls very, very happy... Beagles are cute, smart, and very good companions. And they are also excellent advisors, which can be an extraordinary help for people living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, rsrsrs...

PS. What I really wanted to register here is that all MD's are very happy (and relieved!!!) today, and celebrating Barack Obama's beautiful victory.

We're all rooting for you, Obama! You've come a long way, but you now have a difficult path ahead...

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2 comentários:

Flower Nakamura, ME disse...

Acabei de ver, na CNN, as filhas do Obama brincando com um filhote de Beagle. Será que a Diva J. agora tem poderes premonitórios??? UIA!
Certamente um Beagle na Casa Branca ia ser o máximo! Tem cachorro mais americano do que o Snoopy? ;)

Unknown disse...

Pois é.. não tem ! ;)
E eles podem ter um Beagle, porque a sogra vai morar com o casal... ou seja, vai sobrar alguém prá tomar conta do bicho!
Por falar em Beagle... como está o NIck ?