quinta-feira, 27 de março de 2008

Way to go, Uno!!!

O fato é inédito e merece ser muiiiiiito celebrado. Pela primeira vez na história um beagle foi considerado "best in show" no mais importante concurso de cães do mundo: o Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, realizado anualmente no Madison Square Garden, em NY.
O acontecimento entusiasmou a multidão, que aplaudiu de pé a vitória de Uno.
Quem, como nós, ama os beagles, certamente vai ter dificuldade de segurar a emoção no momento em que o juiz anuncia o resultado. Quer ver como foi? Clique
Abaixo, um trecho da notícia veiculada pelo NY Times, que também pode ser lida na íntegra aqui.

When Dr. J. Donald Jones, the judge for the best in show at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show Tuesday night, looked at the seven competitors for the title, he saw four breeds that had been denied the crown and three that had worn it.

Of course, there is no actual crown, but a lovely celebratory bowl that victorious toy dogs leap into for a little nap while their entourage kvells.

The four breeds that had been shut out were the beagle, the Weimaraner, the Australian shepherd and the Akita. There were two breeds that had captured best in show four times, the standard poodle and the Sealyham terrier, and a third, the toy poodle, that was twice a victor.

Jones watched each dog enter to the fanfare of dimmed house lights at Madison Square Garden and a double spotlight. The standard poodle trotted out first for a lap around the green-carpeted floor, followed by the Akita, the Weimaraner, the Australian shepherd, the beagle (to thunderous applause, as if Willis Reed had walked into the arena one last time), the Sealyham terrier and, finally, the toy poodle.

The judge could hear Uno, the 15-inch beagle, baying as he gave his once-over to the standard poodle. And when he completed his observations, he needed four minutes before he pointed to the winner: Uno, the beagle, or Ch. K-Run’s Park Me In First, who will turn 3 in May.

Snoopy would be pleased. His breed, long passed over for glory, had finally triumphed.

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Um comentário:

Berná disse...

Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaande notícia e, tenho certeza, merecidíssima vitória!!!!! Fiquei felicíssima, queria ter estado lá para também aplaudir de pé!!!!!
Congrats, UNO!!!
You, beagles, are definitely THE BEST! :-)