Tão séria, que resolveu fazer uma campanha da p**** ...
(sorry, Mean Readers, não resisti!)

Para os interessados em conhecer melhor o programa, é só clicar aqui.
We are the mean Divas. Beware.
Postado por
Flower Nakamura, ME
Marcadores: Mean fun, Perplexidade de diva
What’s a Mean Diva? First of all, let’s assume the concept is not easy to define. Not in words, at least. Because words fail to describe what’s precisely at the heart of being a Mean Diva: small acts, a way of looking around and noticing the exact same things that other MDs would have noticed, and, most important, making the same kind of comments. So, from what was said, one can deduce that MDs are not only intelligent but smart and bright (no, dears, those things do not always come together…). MDs are fun and will always run far, far away from mediocrity (there’s nothing worse in the eyes of a MD than mediocrity!). But, let’s not forget: MDs are, sometimes, very cruel. After all, they are Mean Divas!
But, if you really want to know more about the Mean Divas, who their favorite “Divos” and heroes are and what they are doing to help save the minds of this world, browse through their posts in this blog.
2 comentários:
E a campanha da p**** está sendo um grande sucesso! Leiam o "Urgent Update" no site indicado...
Claro que está. A quantidade de p**** que deve ir para o lixo...
Madre de Dios...
Será que vale a gente conseguir doações e mandar prá lá em troca de tickets ??? ;)
Vai ver a p**** de Orcs vale muito por lá, é completamente diferente!
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