sexta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2008

What time of the day are you?

Oh, well, well... esses "quizes" são engraçados mesmo!

Mas até que o resultado desse ai tem um bocado a ver comigo mesmo. I am an.. EARLY MORNING Mean Diva!

Agora vejamos o que eles têm a dizer sobre a minha p´ssoa:

"You're the time of day right around sunrise, when the sky is still a pale bluish gray. The streets are empty, and the grass and leaves are a little bit sparkly with dew. You are the sound of a few chirpy birds outside the window. You are quiet, peaceful, and contemplative. If you move slowly, it's not because you're lazy – it's because you know there's no reason to rush. You move like a relaxed cat, pausing for deep stretches that make your muscles feel alive. You are long sips of tea or coffee (out of a mug that's held with both hands) that slowly warm your insides just as the sun is brightening the sky."

Ehehhehe, sou ou não sou "ótima"?

Prá quem gostou, tente descobrir que hora você é do dia, clicando AQUI.

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3 comentários:

DIVA Sen disse...

I'm a 3:15pm: You are the moment when the last bell rings and school lets out for the day. You are resistant to schedules and obligations, so you love feeling like you're in control of your life again. You are the very moment when the second hand hits the 12, and the halls fill with noise and motion. Even if your after-school time is packed with activities, lessons, or a job, somehow, you just feel freer in the late afternoon than you do earlier in the day. Maybe it's all that blue sky and afternoon sunshine? Nah -- even on rainy days, 3:15 is always a beautiful time.

Sei lá...

Unknown disse...

eheheh, 3:15 hora de sair da escola? Olha, prá mim isso soa bem melhor como hora de soneca na rede da varanda...;)

Berná disse...

I'm a 10:02 A.M: (Don't want to stumble sleepily through life, hehehe...)

You are breakfasty, like a pile of pancakes on a Sunday morning that have just the right amount of syrup, so every bite is sweet perfection and not a soppy mess. You are a glass of orange juice that's cool, refreshing, and not overly pulpy. You are the time of day that's just right for turning the pages of a newspaper, flipping through channels, or clicking around online to get a sense of how the world changed during the night. You don't want to stumble sleepily through life, so you make a real effort to wake your brain up and get it thinking. You feel inspired to accomplish things (whether it's checking something off your to-do list or changing the world), but there's plenty of time for making things happen later in the day. First, pancakes.