sábado, 26 de janeiro de 2008

"We'll always have Paris..."

Screening Rom has just launched its Top 10 Romantic Moments (The list is worth checking, here).

Guess what???

(Michael Curtiz, 1942) has the leading position.

Well.. I tend to agree, have always liked this movie for a number of reasons. Here's what they say about it:

"Yep, it's a no-brainer. In a world full of slushy, happily-ever-after rom-coms, Bogie and Bergman find true romance in heartache, sacrificing their romance for the greater good. Bogie's 'hill of beans' speech still gets us every time. Oh, the tragedy! Still, they'll always have Paris ..."

Yes, they will always have Paris!!! (but will they, really??????)

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2 comentários:

Unknown disse...

I think there was never Paris...

Berná disse...

Well...come to think about it...nah...they NEVER really had Paris!