sexta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2008

Bigger and brighter full moon!

Besides all the nice birthday presents I received yesterday, I also got this particularly thrilling surprise (you can read more about it on CNN,

Friday perfect for dancing in the moonlight

It won't be your imagination if the moon looks bigger and brighter Friday night, like "a cosmic flood lamp." Every few years, a full moon coincides with the point in the satellite's elliptical orbit that brings it closest to the center of the Earth. Friday night, the moon will be fully illuminated just four hours after reaching that point, according to a feature story on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Web site. The moon will appear up to 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than "lesser full moons we've seen earlier in 2008," NASA says - provided it is being viewed in a clear sky.

Ain't this super cool???

Well, I guess this was a very special gift, indeed, because the next time a full moon will be this big, this bright, and this close to Earth will be November 14, 2016!!!!

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2 comentários:

Unknown disse...

Pena que não pude ver nada por aqui na sexta... Ao invés de full moon, o que eu pude ver foram full clouds!

Tenho que aguardar 2016!

Berná disse...

Pois nós vimos, estava realmente diferente, a lua do dia 12...
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