sexta-feira, 22 de maio de 2009

Terminator Salvation!!! Worth checking!

Terminator Savation opened in the USA last Thursday. I am keeping track of all the reviews about the movie, and I particularly liked the one published on The New York Times (here), from which I quote the two following paragraphs:

"The palette is a dull steely gray, coarsened by dust and rust and occasionally illuminated by a bright orange fireball. And the action, in spite of some aerial special effects and a few high-tech battles, is accordingly loud and blunt, a symphony of screaming gears, anguished torque and thumping collisions of metal and flesh. As the floor of the screening room rumbled and the walls seemed to shake, I began to wonder if Skynet were not a subsidiary of the Dolby Laboratories, softening up a few human targets before the big battle.


[...] part of the point of the Terminator movies is to register ambivalence about technological progress, which fills our lives with all kinds of cool, convenient stuff that somehow brings an intimation of our eventual obsolescence. “Terminator Salvation,” digitally engineered to approximate a rough, analog feel, is less a cautionary tale than a consumer advisory. Enjoy your new gadgets, but don’t let them out of your sight, and don’t forget where the off switch is.

If I were in the States, I would certainly now what to do during the weekend...

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