domingo, 13 de julho de 2008

Look at those ears!

I believe my fellow MDs will be as pleased as I am with this photo of Zachary Quinto as Mr. Spock:

Fascinating is a word I use for the unexpected.
In this case, I should think "interesting" would suffice.

(Spock, The Squire of Gothos)

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3 comentários:

Berná disse...

Interesting indeed!!!!!
Zachary Quinto will be a very errrrr....interesting Spock!!!

Unknown disse...

uhu! Ele está ótimo de spock, mal posso esperar!!!

Unknown disse...

Que gataço! ;) Já gostava da maldade do Sylar, agora com a inteligência e a distância do Spock ficará simplesmente irresistível!!!